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Prolog element in lists replacement

Hi i was wondering if you could help me out with this

From programming in Prolog: write Prolog script for replacement any given element in lists by an another given element. For example:

replace( 3, a,[1,2,3,4,3,5], [1,2,a,4,a,5])=true

Many Thanks in advance

like image 715
Donald Avatar asked May 01 '11 19:05


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1 Answers

In Prolog, most list processing is done by processing the head and then recursively processing the rest of the list. Of course, you can't forget about the base case, which is an empty list.

Replacing anything with anything in an empty list results again in an empty list. If the head of the list is the same as the element to replace, replace it, otherwise, keep it as it is. In both cases, process recursively the rest of the list. Translated from English into Prolog:

replace(_, _, [], []).
replace(O, R, [O|T], [R|T2]) :- replace(O, R, T, T2).
replace(O, R, [H|T], [H|T2]) :- H \= O, replace(O, R, T, T2).
like image 119
svick Avatar answered Sep 25 '22 17:09
