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How to use polymorphism in CUDA

I am porting some physics simulation code from C++ to CUDA.

The fundamental algorithm can be understood as: applying an operator to each element of a vector. In pseudocode, a simulation might include the following kernel call:

apply(Operator o, Vector v){

For instance:

apply(add_three_operator, some_vector)

would add three to each element in the vector.

In my C++ code, I have an abstract base class Operator, with many different concrete implementations. The important method is class Operator{ virtual double operate(double x) =0; Operator compose(Operator lo, Operator ro); ... }

The implementation for AddOperator might look like this:

class AddOperator : public Operator{
        double to_add;
        AddOperator(double to_add): to_add(to_add){}
        double operator(double x){
            return x + to_add;

The operator class has methods for scaling and composing concrete implementations of Operator. This abstraction allows me to simply compose "leaf" operators into more general transformations.

For instance:

apply(compose(add_three_operator, square_operator), some_vector);

would add three then square each element of the vector.

The problem is CUDA doesn't support virtual method calls in the kernel. My current thought is to use templates. Then kernel calls will look something like:

    (compose(add_three_operator, square_operator), some_vector);

Any suggestions?

like image 938
user2611717 Avatar asked Jul 23 '13 21:07


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Figure 1 shows that the CUDA kernel is a function that gets executed on GPU. The parallel portion of your applications is executed K times in parallel by K different CUDA threads, as opposed to only one time like regular C/C++ functions. Figure 1. The kernel is a function executed on the GPU.

1 Answers

Something like this perhaps...

template <class Op1, class Op2>
class Composition {...}

template <class Op1, class Op2>
Composition<Op1, Op2> compose(Op1& op1, Op2& op2) {...}

template<class C>
void apply(C& c, VecType& vec){...}
like image 86
tunc Avatar answered Sep 29 '22 13:09
