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CUDA memory for lookup tables

I'm designing a set of mathematical functions and implementing them in both CPU and GPU (with CUDA) versions.

Some of these functions are based upon lookup tables. Most of the tables take 4KB, some of them a bit more. The functions based upon lookup tables take an input, pick one or two entry of the lookup table and then compute the result by interpolating or applying similar techniques.

My question is now: where should I save these lookup tables? A CUDA device has many places for storing values (global memory, constant memory, texture memory,...). Provided that every table could be read concurrently by many threads and that the input values, and therefore the lookup indices, can be completely uncorrelated among the threads of every warp (resulting in uncorrelated memory accesses), which memory provides the fastest access?

I add that the contents of these tables are precomputed and completely constant.


Just to clarify: I need to store about 10 different 4KB lookup tables. Anyway it would be great to know wether the solution as for this case would be the same for the case with e.g. 100 4KB tables or with e.g. 10 16KB lookup tables.

like image 984
Spiros Avatar asked Jun 13 '13 13:06


1 Answers

Texture memory (now called read only data cache) would probably be a choice worth exploring, although not for the interpolation benefits. It supports 32 bit reads without reading beyond this amount. However, you're limited to 48K in total. For Kepler (compute 3.x) this is quite simple to program now.

Global memory, unless you configure it in 32 bit mode, will often drag in 128 bytes for each thread, hugely multiplying what is actually data needed from memory as you (apparently) can't coalesce the memory accesses. Thus the 32 bit mode is probably what you need if you want to use more than 48K (you mentioned 40K).

Thinking of coalescing, if you were to access a set of values in series from these tables, you might be able to interleave the tables such that these combinations could be grouped and read as a 64 or 128 bit read per thread. This would mean the 128 byte reads from global memory could be useful.

The problem you will have is that you're making the solution memory bandwidth limited by using lookup tables. Changing the L1 cache size (on Fermi / compute 2.x) to 48K will likely make a significant difference, especially if you're not using the other 32K of shared memory. Try texture memory and then global memory in 32 bit mode and see which works best for your algorithm. Finally pick a card with a good memory bandwidth figure if you have a choice over hardware.

like image 166
ShaneCook Avatar answered Sep 22 '22 17:09
