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How to use perlbrew with zsh or bash?

Now I'm really confused about perlbrew...

In perlbrew.pm I see the following:

    if ($shell =~ /\/zsh\d?$/) {
        $shell_opt = "-d -f";
        # <snip>
    elsif  ($shell =~ /\/bash$/)  {
       $shell_opt = "--noprofile --norc";

AFAICT, those settings for $shell_opt mean that, at least if invoked from zsh or bash, perlbrew use ... will execa new shell, suppressing the sourcing of all of the user's rc-type files.

I really have a hard time envisioning why anyone would want to work in a bare shell. What am I missing here? Is perlbrew meant for a use pattern different from standard interaction via a shell? Or is it simply not intended for users of zsh or bash?

EDIT: Just to clarify, in order for me to use one of the perls installed by perlbrew I'd have to run something like

% perlbrew use perl-5.16.3

When one does so, the code shown above gets run, and as a result perlbrew exec's a new shell, with no rc-files. I don't see the point of working in an instance of my shell without my usual rc-files.

like image 460
kjo Avatar asked Apr 21 '13 22:04


2 Answers

I had the same issue, where running perlbrew switch ... spawned a bare bash shell. But I found this was because it was in the same session where I had installed perlbrew. Though I had added it to .bash_profile, I had not sourced ~/perl5/perlbrew/etc/bashrc in my current shell. (Side note: this was exasperated by using screen, and so my session persisted between disconnects.)

As far as I can tell, perlbrew distinguishes between two scenarios:

  1. It already has the environment it needs; i.e., you have sourced ~/perl5/perlbrew/etc/bashrc

    • In this case, perlbrew switch ... automagically points perl to the version specified. No subshell is spawned. This persists between logouts.
  2. You have a bare shell, or an environment otherwise unusable by perlbrew (e.g., ~/perl5/perlbrew/etc/bashrc` has not been sourced).

    • Since it cannot run in the current environment, perlbrew throws its hands up, and spawns a new subshell. This is when it executes the --norc code you found, and uses a bare shell into which it populates its own environment variables.
    • Note that this scenario may also occur in scripts. See Perlbrew in Shell Scripts for more information.

Why would the project want to spawn a bare shell in Senario #2? Yeah, that's a good question, but the more I've thought about it, I'm sure they had their reasons. My current take on this is that perlbrew is looking out for itself at this point. Your environment, presumably configured by your rc, was unusable. In a pathological case, perhaps it unset all of the environment variables it needs. Regardless, the subshell logic is a pretty bullet-proof way to make sure perlbrew will run as it needs.

One last note - if putting source ~/perl5/perlbrew/etc/bashrc into .bash_profile meant creating a new file, then your .bashrc may need to be explicitly sourced from that file, as .profile may no longer do it:

$ head -3 .profile
# ~/.profile: executed by the command interpreter for login shells.
# This file is not read by bash(1), if ~/.bash_profile or ~/.bash_login
# exists.
like image 177
Randall Avatar answered Oct 14 '22 19:10


No idea why it's like that, but that code is not normally executed. You have to explicitly execute the perlbrew binary to reach that code from bash. But the use and switch features (which call the sub containing the quoted code) are normally handled by the perlbrew shell function.

like image 2
ikegami Avatar answered Oct 14 '22 19:10
