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How to use enums in C++




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How is enum used in C?

Enumeration or Enum in C is a special kind of data type defined by the user. It consists of constant integrals or integers that are given names by a user. The use of enum in C to name the integer values makes the entire program easy to learn, understand, and maintain by the same or even different programmer.

How do you use enums?

You should always use enums when a variable (especially a method parameter) can only take one out of a small set of possible values. Examples would be things like type constants (contract status: “permanent”, “temp”, “apprentice”), or flags (“execute now”, “defer execution”).

How do we declare enum variable in C?

If we do not explicitly assign values to enum names, the compiler by default assigns values starting from 0. For example, in the following C program, sunday gets value 0, monday gets 1, and so on.

What is enum keyword in C?

In C programming, an enumeration type (also called enum) is a data type that consists of integral constants. To define enums, the enum keyword is used. enum flag {const1, const2, ..., constN}; By default, const1 is 0, const2 is 1 and so on.

This code is wrong:

enum Days {Saturday, Sunday, Tuesday, Wednesday, Thursday, Friday};
Days day = Days.Saturday;
if (day == Days.Saturday)

Because Days is not a scope, nor object. It is a type. And Types themselves don't have members. What you wrote is the equivalent to std::string.clear. std::string is a type, so you can't use . on it. You use . on an instance of a class.

Unfortunately, enums are magical and so the analogy stops there. Because with a class, you can do std::string::clear to get a pointer to the member function, but in C++03, Days::Sunday is invalid. (Which is sad). This is because C++ is (somewhat) backwards compatable with C, and C had no namespaces, so enumerations had to be in the global namespace. So the syntax is simply:

enum Days {Saturday, Sunday, Tuesday, Wednesday, Thursday, Friday};
Days day = Saturday;
if (day == Saturday)

Fortunately, Mike Seymour observes that this has been addressed in C++11. Change enum to enum class and it gets its own scope; so Days::Sunday is not only valid, but is the only way to access Sunday. Happy days!

This will be sufficient to declare your enum variable and compare it:

enum Days {Saturday, Sunday, Tuesday, Wednesday, Thursday, Friday};
Days day = Saturday;
if (day == Saturday) {
    std::cout << "Ok its Saturday";

Much of this should give you compilation errors.

// note the lower case enum keyword
enum Days { Saturday, Sunday, Monday, Tuesday, Wednesday, Thursday, Friday };

Now, Saturday, Sunday, etc. can be used as top-level bare constants,and Days can be used as a type:

Days day = Saturday;   // Days.Saturday is an error

And similarly later, to test:

if (day == Saturday)
    // ...

These enum values are like bare constants - they're un-scoped - with a little extra help from the compiler: (unless you're using C++11 enum classes) they aren't encapsulated like object or structure members for instance, and you can't refer to them as members of Days.

You'll have what you're looking for with C++11, which introduces an enum class:

enum class Days
    // ... etc.

// ...

if (day == Days::SUNDAY)
    // ...

Note that this C++ is a little different from C in a couple of ways, one is that C requires the use of the enum keyword when declaring a variable:

// day declaration in C:
enum Days day = Saturday;

You can use a trick to use scopes as you wish, just declare enum in such way:

struct Days 
   enum type

Days::type day = Days::Saturday;
if (day == Days::Saturday)

Rather than using a bunch of if-statements, enums lend themselves well to switch statements

I use some enum/switch combinations in the level builder I am building for my game.

EDIT: Another thing, I see you want syntax similar to;

if(day == Days.Saturday)

You can do this in C++:

if(day == Days::Saturday)

Here is a very simple example:


enum eAppState


#include "EnumAppState.h"
eAppState state = eAppState::STARTUP;
    //Do stuff
case EDIT:
    //Do stuff
    //Do stuff
    //Do stuff
    //Do stuff

You are looking for strongly typed enumerations, a feature available in the C++11 standard. It turns enumerations into classes with scope values.

Using your own code example, it is:

  enum class Days {Saturday, Sunday, Tuesday,Wednesday, Thursday, Friday};
  Days day = Days::Saturday;

  if (day == Days::Saturday)  {
    cout << " Today is Saturday !" << endl;
  //int day2 = Days::Sunday; // Error! invalid

Using :: as accessors to enumerations will fail if targeting a C++ standard prior C++11. But some old compilers doesn't supported it, as well some IDEs just override this option, and set a old C++ std.

If you are using GCC, enable C+11 with -std=c++11 or -std=gnu11 .

Be happy!