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How to use a general function pointer as a template parameter?

Is it possible to use a general function pointer as a template parameter? The function pointer template can accept free functions, member functions, and lambda functions. For simplicity, assuming the functions has only one argument, like

template<class ArgumentT, class ReturnT, function* f>
struct A
   // f is used somewhere.
like image 684
user1899020 Avatar asked Sep 25 '13 14:09


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A template has only one type, but a specialization is needed for pointer, reference, pointer to member, or function pointer types. The specialization itself is still a template on the type pointed to or referenced.

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You can use a trailing return type in the declaration or definition of a pointer to a function. For example: auto(*fp)()->int; In this example, fp is a pointer to a function that returns int .

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2 Answers

A normal template argument can refer to a function.

#include <iostream>

template <class ArgT, class RetT, class F>
struct A {
    F f;
    A(F f) : f(f) {}

    RetT operator()(ArgT arg) { return f(arg); }

int unchanged(int i) { return i; }

int main(){
    A < int, int, int(*)(int)> t{ unchanged };

    for (int i = 0; i < 10; i++)
        std::cout << t(i) << "\n";

There's nothing restricting the template argument to a function though -- you could just as easily use some class that overloads operator(), and invoke that instead (and, in fact, that's often preferable).

like image 157
Jerry Coffin Avatar answered Sep 21 '22 13:09

Jerry Coffin

I would recommend to use std::function<> if you can use C++11 or boost::function<> if you cannot:

template<class ArgumentT, class ReturnT > struct A { 
    typedef std::function< ReturnT( ArgumentT ) > Function;
    void foobar( Function f ) { ReturnT ret = f( arg ); }

In this case you can pass function pointer, functor, lambda, or use std::bind or boost::bind with almost any function which signature does not match. I am not sure you need template in this case, you can use std::function directly, but that depends on your code.

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Slava Avatar answered Sep 22 '22 13:09
