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How to upload IPA now that Application Loader is no longer included in Xcode 11

I'm a little afraid to ask this question because the problem seems huge to me and yet I don't see anyone panicking about it. I'm a little afraid to sound crazy, but I'm going to go for it :

As we can read on Apple's post Submissions Update :

Starting with Xcode 11, Application Loader is no longer included in Xcode. For details on how to upload your apps to App Store Connect using Xcode, see Xcode Help.

It is legitimate for people and organizations using the Phonegap build service to ask themselves how to put our IPA online knowing that we do not have access to the Xcode project file.

Apple gives us a new tool called Archives organizer but as we can read on the documentation:

In the Archives organizer, select the archive you want to upload, then click Distribute App.

Okay, where's my archive? Is an IPA considered an archive? How do I integrate my IPA into this software?

Maybe I haven't found the solution that is right in front of me but for the moment I'm especially afraid of the future of Phonegap build if there is no alternative tool for the Application Loader.

So, did you even facing the same problem and do you find a solution ? (excepting a migration to Cordova)

I know that hybrid applications don't have a long life ahead of them because of the depreciation of UIWebView and the low compatibility of cordova with WKWebView but I can't believe Apple decides to kill Phonegap build without a warning. And as usual, Phonegap's teams are not very talkative.


Well, It is possible to transfer your ipa with the following command but did it is worked because I have the old version of Xcode (10) and so it will be deprecated when Xcode 11 release ?

xcrun altool --upload-app --type ios --file "path/to/application.ipa" --username "YOUR_ITMC_USER" --password "YOUR_ITMC_PASSWORD" 
like image 892
Enzo B. Avatar asked Sep 17 '19 14:09

Enzo B.

People also ask

Can I upload IPA to Testflight?

Click on App IDs under Identifiers and then the + button on the top right to add a new app ID. Fill out the App ID Description and then add your bundle ID under the Explicit App ID option. Then click continue.

1 Answers

Apple today announced that it is making a new version of its Transporter developer application available on the Mac App Store. This app allows developers to easily upload files to App Store Connect and more.

Available in the Mac AppStore


like image 169
Mohamed Raffi Avatar answered Sep 22 '22 02:09

Mohamed Raffi