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How to turn on Mercurial in existing Eclipse project?

I've installed the HgEclipse plugin for Mercurial integration in Eclipse. I have an existing (Java) project in Eclipse, but I can't figure out how to turn on mercurial change tracking for this existing project.

It seems I can do an import of a mercurial project (File > Import > Mercurial > Clone ...), but that's only for new Eclipse projects...

Of course, I can apply Mercurial via the command line, e.g. hg init in the project directory, but this doesn't get picked up in Eclipse.

So, how do I turn on Mercurial for existing Eclipse projects?

like image 885
Rabarberski Avatar asked Mar 25 '10 16:03


2 Answers

Right click on project go to "Team" -> "Share Project" select "Mercurial" and go through the wizard steps.

like image 166
David Holbrook Avatar answered Oct 01 '22 17:10

David Holbrook

When you are trying to push your project to your repository the above answer is correct for the initial part, but a step by step would be more like this:

  1. Create project(or maybe it is already created)
  2. Right click the project
  3. Mouse over team
  4. Click "Share Project..."
  5. Select Mercurial then click next
  6. Click Finish
  7. Right click on project again and mouse over team
  8. Click "Push..." (it is important to commit before pushing 99% of the time)
  9. Type in the url of your repository(repo)
  10. Type in username and password then click finish
like image 31
nullsage Avatar answered Oct 01 '22 17:10
