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Where is "create project from existing source" in eclipse Indigo?

I cannot find "create project from existing source" in Eclipse Indigo while I am trying to create a "java project". When I select Java project and then next window comes up with options- User default location, JRE, Project layout, and Working sets.

I couldn't find a clue while searching for any possible change in UI of Indigo. Where can I find "create project from existing source" in Indigo?

like image 863
Morison Avatar asked Apr 29 '12 01:04


People also ask

How do I find my existing project in Eclipse?

Select General > Existing Project into Workspace and click Next. Choose either Select root directory or Select archive file and click the associated Browse to locate the directory or file containing the projects.

1 Answers

Un-check the Use Default Location option and then Browse to select the parent folder of your existing source tree. Eclipse will automatically detect the existing files and folders, although you might have to configure the project to let it know what your source folder is; but the New Java Project wizard presents that option to you.

like image 154
E-Riz Avatar answered Oct 11 '22 08:10
