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How-to turn off all SSL checks for postman for a specific site

There is an option in Postman if you download it from https://www.getpostman.com instead of the chrome store (most probably it has been introduced in the new versions and the chrome one will be updated later) not sure about the old ones.

In the settings, turn off the SSL certificate verification option enter image description here

Be sure to remember to reactivate it afterwards, this is a security feature.

If you really want to use the chrome app, you could always add an exception to chrome for the url: Enter the url you would like to open in the chrome browser, you'll get a warning with a link at the bottom of the page to add an exception, which if you do, it will also allow postman to access your url. But the first option of using the postman stand-alone app is much better.

I hope this can help.

enter image description here

click here in settings, one pop up window will get open. There we have switcher to make SSL verification certificate (Off)

This is not the exact answer to this question, but those who are not able to find setting popup. Their is two ways to open setting pop up.

  1. Way 1

  2. Way 2

enter image description here

This steps are used in spring boot with self signed ssl certificate implementation

if SSL turns off then HTTPS call will be worked as expected.


These are the steps we have to follow,

  1. Generate self signed ssl certificate
keytool -genkeypair -alias tomcat -keyalg RSA -keysize 2048 -storetype PKCS12 -keystore keystore.p12 -validity 3650

after key generation has done then copy that file in to the resource foder in your project

  1. add key store properties in applicaiton.properties
server.port: 8443
server.ssl.key-store-password: test123
server.ssl.keyStoreType: PKCS12
server.ssl.keyAlias: tomcat
  1. change your postman ssl verification settings to turn OFF

now verify the url: https://localhost:8443/test/hello