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Can I run multiple versions of Google Chrome on the same machine? (Mac or Windows)

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Can I have 2 versions of Chrome installed?

Update October 13, 2020: Chrome Beta and Chrome Dev can now be installed side-by-side on Mac as well. Side-by-side Chrome installation is available on Windows, Mac, Android, and Linux.

Can I have two Google Chrome on my laptop?

This is a great way to work with more than one Google account (for example, brown.edu and gmail.com accounts) in Chrome without having to sign in and out, or use incognito windows. You can have a window open for each account.

In the comments, I mentioned a step-by-step method to easily install multiple Chrome versions, side-by-side. This answer quotes my original answer, and includes a script which does the job for you.

Quoted from: section 7 of Cross-browser testing: All major browsers on ONE machine:

Chrome: Stand-alone installers can be downloaded from File Hippo. It is also possible to run multiple Chrome versions side-by-side.

Although Sandboxie can be used, it's recommended to use the next native method in order to run multiple versions side-by-side.

  1. Download the desired version(s) from File Hippo.
  2. Create a main directory, e.g. C:\Chrome\.
  3. Extract the installer (=without installing), using 7-Zip for example. After extracting, a chrome.7z archive is created. Also extract this file, and descend the created Chrome-bin directory. Now, you see chrome.exe and a dir like 18.0.1025.45. Move chrome.exe to 18.0.1025.45, then move this directory to C:\Chrome. The remaining files in Chrome-bin can safely be deleted.
  4. Create a shortcut for each version:

    "C:\Chrome\18.0.1024.45\chrome.exe" --user-data-dir="..\User Data\18" --chrome-version=18.0.1025.45

    Explanation of this shortcut:

    • "C:\Chrome\18.0.1024.45\chrome.exe" • This is the launcher
    • --user-data-dir="..\User Data\18" • User profile, relative to the location of chrome.exe. You could also have used --user-data-dir="C:\Chrome\User Data\18" for the same effect. Set your preferences for the lowest Chrome version, and duplicate the User profile for each Chrome version. Older Chrome versions refuse to use User profiles from new versions.
    • --chrome-version=18.0.1025.45Location of binaries:
      • The location (eg 18.0.1025.45) must be the name of the directory:
      • Must start and end with a number. A dot may appear in between.
      • The numbers do not necessarily have to match the real version number (though it's convenient to use real version numbers...).

Regarding configuration: All preferences can be set at chrome://settings/. I usually change the home page and "Under the hood" settings.

  • Disable auto-updates: http://dev.chromium.org/administrators/turning-off-auto-updates

(the old version of this answer referred to Old Apps for old Chrome versions, but they do not offer direct download links any more through the UI. The files do still exist, I've created a shell script (bash) to ease the creation of a local repository of Chrome versions - see https://gist.github.com/Rob--W/8577499)

VB Script which automates install, config & launch

I've created a VB script which installs and configures Chrome (tested in XP and Win 7). Launch the script, and a file dialog appears (or: Drag & drop the chrome installer on the VBS). Select the destination of the Chrome installer, and the script automatically unpacks the files and duplicates the profile from a pre-configured base directory.

By default:

  1. The Chrome binaries are placed in subfolders of C:\Chrome\.
  2. The User profiles are created in C:\Chrome\User Data\.
  3. The user profiles will be duplicated from the directory as specified in the sFolderChromeUserDataDefault variable, which is C:\Chrome\User Data\2\ by default.
    After the first Chrome installation, set your preferences (Home page, bookmarks, ..). Then modify the variable (see 3.) in the source code. After that, installing and configuring Chrome is as easy as pie.

The only dependency is 7-zip, expected to be located at C:\Program Files\7-zip\7z.exe.

I adopted @RobW's nice answer to get it working on Mac OS X 10.8. Other versions of Mac OS X may probably work too.

The little extra work is actually only needed to keep your original Google Chrome user settings and the old version separated.

  1. Download another version of Google Chrome, like the Dev channel and extract the .app file

  2. (optional) Rename it to Google Chrome X.app – if not already different from Google Chrome.app

(Be sure to replace X for all following steps with the actual version of Chrome you just downloaded)

  1. Move Google Chrome X.app to /Applications without overwritting your current Chrome

  2. Open the Terminal, create a shell script and make your script executable:

    cd /Applications
    touch google-chrome-version-start.sh
    chmod +x google-chrome-version-start.sh
    nano google-chrome-version-start.sh
  3. Modify the following code according to the version you downloaded and paste it into the script

    #!/usr/bin/env bash
    /Applications/Google\ Chrome\ X.app/Contents/MacOS/Google\ Chrome\ X --user-data-dir="tmp/Google Chrome/X/" & disown

    For example for Dev Channel:

    #!/usr/bin/env bash
    /Applications/Google\ Chrome\ Dev.app/Contents/MacOS/Google\ Chrome\ Dev --user-data-dir="tmp/Google Chrome Dev/" & disown

    (This will store Chrome's data at ~/tmp/Google Chrome/VERSION/. For more explanations see the original answer.)

  4. Now execute the script and be happy!


Tested it with Google Chrome 88 on a Mac running OS X 10.15 Catalina

Your mileage may vary (mine sure did), but here's what worked for me (current version of Chrome as of this post is 33.x, and I was interested in 24.x)

  • Visit the Chromium repo proxy lookup site: http://omahaproxy.appspot.com/

  • In the little box called "Revision Lookup" type in the version number. This will translate it to a Subversion revision number. Keep that number in mind.

  • Visit the build repository: http://commondatastorage.googleapis.com/chromium-browser-snapshots/index.html

  • Select the folder corresponding to the OS you're interested in (I have Win x64, but had to use Win,because there was no x64 build corresponding to the version I was looking for).

  • If you select Win, you could be in for a wait - as some of the pages have a lot of entries. Once the page loads, scroll to the folder containing the revision number you identified in an earlier step. If you don't find one, choose the next one up. This is a bit of trial and error to be honest - I had to back up about 50 revisions until I found a version close to the one I was looking for

  • Drill into that folder and download (on the Win version) chrome-win32.zip. That's all you need.

  • Unzip that file and then run chrome.exe

This worked for me and I'm running the latest Chrome alongside version 25, without problems (some profile issues on the older version, but that's neither here nor there). Didn't need to do anything else.

Again, YMMV, but try this solution first since it requires the least amount of tomfoolery.

For those who don't care if it's "Google Chrome", I suggest using "Chromium" instead.

See: Download Chromium

  1. Look in http://googlechromereleases.blogspot.com/search/label/Stable%20updates for the last time "44." was mentioned.
  2. Loop up that version history ("44.0.2403.157") in the Position Lookup
  3. In this case it returns a base position of "330231". This is the commit of where the 44 release was branched, back in May 2015.*
  4. Open the continuous builds archive
  5. Click through on your platform (Linux/Mac/Win)
  6. Paste "330231" into the filter field at the top and wait for all the results to XHR in.
  7. Eventually I get a perfect hit: https://commondatastorage.googleapis.com/chromium-browser-snapshots/index.html?prefix=Mac/330231/
    1. Sometimes you may have to decrement the commit number until you find one.
  8. Download and run!

Though this seems to be an old question with many answers I'm posting another one, because it provides information about another approaches (looking more convenient than already mentioned), and the question itself remains actual.

First, there is a blogpost Running multiple versions of Google Chrome on Windows. It describes a method which works, but has 2 drawbacks:

  • you can't run Chrome instances of different versions simultaneously;
  • from time to time, Chrome changes format of its profile, and as long as 2 versions installed by this method share the same directory with profiles, this may produce a problem if it's happened to test 2 versions with incompatible profile formats;

Second method is a preferred one, which I'm currently using. It relies on portable versions of Chrome, which become available for every stable release at the portableapps.com.

The only requirement of this method is that existing Chrome version should not run during installation of a next version. Of course, each version must be installed in a separate directory. This way, after installation, you can run Chromes of different versions in parallel. Of course, there is a drawback in this method as well:

  • profiles in all versions live separately, so if you need to setup a profile in a specific way, you should do it twice or more times, according to the number of different Chrome versions you have installed.

A small virtual machine maybe?

Try VirtualBox a freeware program to install virtual machines (a lot of work for what you want to do, but it'll work)

As professional testers, my friends use Spoon.net browsers section to test compatibility of site in various browsers. Hope this should help you.