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How to turn json to case class when case class has only one field

In play 2.1 reads are used to marshall Json to objects. But how can I do this when the case class has only one field. The ideom that works for more fields does not work, as with one field 'and' is not used. Thus I do not get a FunctionBuilder.

The following code gives me a type mismatch. How can I fix this?

case class Data(stamm: Seq[String])   implicit val dataReads  = (   (__ \ "stamm").read(Reads.list[String]) )(Data) 
like image 841
nebenmir Avatar asked Feb 07 '13 14:02


1 Answers

As Julien answered, you can read single field case classes using this:

case class Person(name: String)  val personReads: Reads[Person] =    (__ \ "name").read[String].map { name => Person(name) } 

Just a complement, if you want to write:

val personWrites: Writes[Person] =    (__ \ "name").write[String].contramap { (person: Person) => person.name } 

Or format (read and write):

val personFormat: Format[Person] =    (__ \ "name").format[String].inmap(name => Person(name), (person: Person) => person.name) 

For write and format you have to import this:

import play.api.libs.functional.syntax._ 
like image 177
yokomizor Avatar answered Sep 19 '22 23:09
