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How to query firebase for property with specific value inside all children

I have this data structure, where todos are organized to follow path /todos/uid/

{   "metausers" : {     "simplelogin:1" : {       "displayName" : "John Doe",       "provider" : "password",       "provider_id" : "1"     },     "simplelogin:2" : {       "displayName" : "GI Jane",       "provider" : "password",       "provider_id" : "2"     }   },   "todos" : {     "simplelogin:1" : {       "-JUAfv4_-ZUlH7JqM4WZ" : {         "completed" : false,         "done" : false,         "group" : false,         "private" : false,         "subject" : "First"       },       "-JUAfveXP_sqqX32jCJS" : {         "completed" : false,         "done" : false,         "group" : false,         "private" : true,         "subject" : "Second"       },       "-JUAfwXnMo6P53Qz6Fd2" : {         "completed" : false,         "done" : false,         "group" : false,         "private" : false,         "subject" : "Third"       }     },     "simplelogin:2" : {       "-JUAg9rVemiNQykfvvHs" : {         "completed" : false,         "done" : false,         "group" : false,         "private" : false,         "subject" : "Q first"       },       "-JUAgAmgPwZLPr2iH1Ho" : {         "completed" : false,         "done" : false,         "group" : false,         "private" : false,         "subject" : "Q second"       },       "-JUAgBfF8f7V5R5-XgrY" : {         "completed" : false,         "done" : false,         "group" : false,         "private" : true,         "subject" : "Q third"       }     }   } } 

and i would like to query todos to get all records with private:true. Is this possible using firebase (angularfire) and how should i do it ? Or should i denormalize a bit more and arrange path /private to avoid of walking down todos ?

like image 519
Denis Avatar asked Aug 12 '14 19:08


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1 Answers

Assuming you have the uid, this should be straightforward with the following:

var uid = "simplelogin:1"; var todosRef = new Firebase("https://yourdb.firebaseio.com/todos/" + uid); var privateTodosRef = todosRef.orderByChild("private").equalTo(true); var privateTodos;  privateTodosRef.on("value", function(response) {   privateTodos = response.val(); }); 

This should return an object with all of this user's private todos, organized by their todo key (ie "-JUAfv4_-ZUlH7JqM4WZ". If you'd like to use Angularfire you can wrap this in a $firebaseArray and assign it as follows:

$scope.privateTodos = $firebaseArray(privateTodosRef); 

Here's a reference for more info on complex queries, and as mentioned in the other responses there are some nice optimizations that can be done with priorities and restructuring.

Happy coding!

like image 109
Matt Avatar answered Sep 21 '22 07:09
