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How to truncate a string in a Golang template



In golang, is there a way to truncate text in an html template?

For example, I have the following in my template:

{{ range .SomeContent }}  ....     {{ .Content }}  ....  {{ end } 

{{ .Content }} produces: Interdum et malesuada fames ac ante ipsum primis in faucibus. Aliquam tempus sem ipsum, vel accumsan felis vulputate id. Donec ultricies sem purus, non aliquam orci dignissim et. Integer vitae mi arcu. Pellentesque a ipsum quis velit venenatis vulputate vulputate ut enim.

I would like to reduce that to 25 characters.

like image 592
webbydevy Avatar asked May 05 '14 06:05


People also ask

How do I shorten strings in Golang?

To trim spaces around string in Go language, call TrimSpace function of strings package, and pass the string as argument to it. TrimSpace function returns a String.

What is a go template?

Go's template is designed to be extended by developers, and provides access to data objects and additional functions that are passed into the template engine programmatically. This tutorial only uses functions universally provided in the text/template package, and does not discuss the specifics of data access.

2 Answers

You can use printf in templates, which acts as fmt.Sprintf. In your case truncating a string would be as easy as:

"{{ printf \"%.25s\" .Content }}" 
like image 194
Ondrej Slinták Avatar answered Oct 08 '22 07:10

Ondrej Slinták

Update: Now the code below is unicode compliant for those who are working with international programs.

One thing to note is that bytes.Runes("string") below is an O(N) operation, as is the converstion from runes to a string, so this code loops over the string twice. It is likely to be more efficient to do the code below for PreviewContent()

func (c ContentHolder) PreviewContent() string {     var numRunes = 0     for index, _ := range c.Content {          numRunes++          if numRunes > 25 {               return c.Content[:index]          }     }     return c.Content } 

You have a couple options for where this function can go. Assuming that you have some type of content holder, the below can be used:

type ContentHolder struct {     Content string     //other fields here }  func (c ContentHolder) PreviewContent() string {     // This cast is O(N)     runes := bytes.Runes([]byte(c.Content))     if len(runes) > 25 {          return string(runes[:25])     }     return string(runes) } 

Then your template will look like this:

{{ range .SomeContent }} .... {{ .PreviewContent }} .... {{ end }} 

The other option is to create a function that will take then first 25 characters of a string. The code for that looks like this (revision of code by @Martin DrLík, link to code)

package main import (     "html/template"     "log"     "os" )  func main() {      funcMap := template.FuncMap{          // Now unicode compliant         "truncate": func(s string) string {              var numRunes = 0              for index, _ := range s {                  numRunes++                  if numRunes > 25 {                       return s[:index]                  }             }             return s        },     }      const templateText = `     Start of text     {{ range .}}     Entry: {{.}}     Truncated entry: {{truncate .}}     {{end}}     End of Text     `     infoForTemplate := []string{         "Stackoverflow is incredibly awesome",         "Lorem ipsum dolor imet",         "Some more example text to prove a point about truncation",         "ПриветМирПриветМирПриветМирПриветМирПриветМирПриветМир",     }      tmpl, err := template.New("").Funcs(funcMap).Parse(templateText)     if err != nil {         log.Fatalf("parsing: %s", err)     }      err = tmpl.Execute(os.Stdout, infoForTemplate)     if err != nil {         log.Fatalf("execution: %s", err)     }  } 

This outputs:

Start of text  Entry: Stackoverflow is incredibly awesome Truncated entry: Stackoverflow is incredib  Entry: Lorem ipsum dolor imet Truncated entry: Lorem ipsum dolor imet  Entry: Some more example text to prove a point about truncation Truncated entry: Some more example text to  Entry: ПриветМирПриветМирПриветМирПриветМирПриветМирПриветМир Truncated entry: ПриветМирПриветМирПриветМ  End of Text 
like image 32
yumaikas Avatar answered Oct 08 '22 06:10
