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How to use a module that is outside of "GOPATH" in another module?




I've created a library as the module for personal use outside of "GOPATH" in "database" folder with this command "go mod init database," and I don't know:

  • How to use/import this module in another module?

OS: Windows 7, Go: v1.11

like image 291
samadadi Avatar asked Sep 14 '18 09:09


People also ask

Is Gopath required with Go modules?

As mentioned above, Go runtime still does use $GOPATH as a download directory of Go packages. To make the Google's saying correct, Go module does not entirely replace GOPATH , but replaces GOPATH for version control and package distribution.

Is Gopath still needed?

Since 1.12 version Go modules is enabled by default and the GOPATH will be deprecated in 1.13 version. For those who are getting started with Go 1.12, the installation and set up goes will be as follows.

1 Answers

The easiest and working out-of-the-box solution is to put your database package / module into a VCS (e.g. github.com), so other packages (inside other modules) can simply refer to it by importing it like:

import "github.com/someone/database" 

If you do so, you don't even have to fiddle with the go.mod files manually, everything will be taken care of by the go tool: it will automatically recognize and resolve this dependency, download and install the required package, and will also update go.mod automatically.

Staying entirely on local disk

If you don't want to use a VCS (e.g. you're just experimenting or you haven't decided what to use yet), then you can still do it. The how is detailed in the official Go Wiki: Can I work entirely outside of VCS on my local filesystem?

So you created a database folder outside of GOPATH, and you created a module in it. And you created another module, let's call it main, and you want to use this database package.

What you must do is:

  • go.mod of your main module must list the database package as a "requirement". Give a temporary VCS name to your database package:

    require (     example.com/me/database v0.0.0 ) 
  • You must tell the go tool where this package is located, because the full package name we used is just a temporary / fantasy name. Use the replace directive to make this database package point to a folder on your local disk; you may use absolute and relative paths:

    replace example.com/me/database => ../database 

And that's all.

Working example

Let's see a working example. Let's create a pretty module. Create a pretty folder with 2 files in it:


package pretty  import "fmt"  func Pretty(v ...interface{}) {     fmt.Println(v...) } 

go.mod (can be created by running go mod init pretty):

module pretty 

Now let's create another, main module. Let's create a folder osinf (it may be whatever) next to the pretty folder. 2 files in it:

osinf.go (note we intend to use our pretty package / module, we import it by "example.com/me/pretty"):

package main  import "example.com/me/pretty"  func main() {     pretty.Pretty("hi")     pretty.Pretty([]int{1, 3, 5}) } 


module main  require example.com/me/pretty v0.0.0  replace example.com/me/pretty => ../pretty 

And that's all.

Running go run osinf.go in the osinf folder, the output is:

hi [1 3 5] 
like image 196
icza Avatar answered Sep 21 '22 15:09
