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Access main package from other package

I want to access the main package from another package, but this is impossible because the main file isn't in a directory. I already tried putting the main file in a directory, but when I try to import it I get this error:
import "../main" is a program, not an importable package

The reason that I want this because I have a tcp server and a webserver that work together. The webserver can get the tcp server via the main package and the tcp server can get the webserver via the main package.

I already got it working with the webserver and tcpserver reading from each other(without the main package in the middle), but I want to keep some parts of the application at one place.

Is the the thing I want possible(Via the main package)? Or is it just stupid.

like image 484
Jan Wytze Avatar asked Jun 07 '17 19:06

Jan Wytze

1 Answers

You cannot import the main package. Any shared code should go in a separate package, which can be imported by main (and other packages).

like image 87
Adrian Avatar answered Sep 21 '22 05:09
