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How to toggle between vim-emulation and no-vim-emulation when the vscodevim extension is installed?

I haven't found a way to quickly do this without having to entirely disable the extension in the "Extensions" panel. In IntelliJ IDEA, one can easily toggle on/off the emulation with a configurable keyboard shortcut. I guess it should also be possible in VSCode.

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ARX Avatar asked Nov 26 '17 23:11


2 Answers

VSCode has the same command system as atom. These commands can be started through the "command palette" and also bound to a key-combo.

The corresponding command is toggleVim. You can bind this command to a key using the gear-icon > keyboard combos (sry, i don't know how to switch the language for an exact description :) ) > enter "toggleVim" to the searchbar. Then you can assign a combo to it.

Effectively the extension will be disabled or enabled quickly.

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michi.0x5d Avatar answered Oct 17 '22 05:10


This answer is an extension to the previous answer.

You can use a keyboard shorcut for toggleVim command with the help of keybindings in VS code.

For example, here I want to use Ctrl+Alt+V to toggle Vim mode on/off. To do this I add the following to keybindings.json and save the file.

        "key": "ctrl+alt+v",
        "command": "toggleVim"

You can open keybindings.json from command palette Ctrl+Shift+P, >Preferences: Open Keyboard Shortcuts (JSON).

Please note, you have to be careful to choose only from unused keybindings in Vim and VS code. Alt key combinations are unused in Vim.

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Ramasamy Kandasamy Avatar answered Oct 17 '22 04:10

Ramasamy Kandasamy