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Vim delete/yank/copy a key/entry block from JSON or javascript object



I work with a lot of JSON. It's super common that I'll want to operate on an entire block of JSON--Selecting an entire block, deleting the block, moving it, etc. Is there any way to operate on the key and its value combined?


vim delete json key mockup

A motion like viB won't work in this case because it will select all the children in the same nest level (not what I want). I want the complete block and only that block for whatever the cursor is over.

like image 560
Jonathan Dumaine Avatar asked Oct 04 '22 12:10

Jonathan Dumaine

1 Answers

Using vim-textobj-user you can define a textobject to select whatever you want. Here is one to select a block matching your criteria that I just wrote:

call textobj#user#plugin('textobj-syntax-is-garbage', {
\   'regex_j': {
\     'select': 'aj',
\     '*pattern*': '^\s*"\?\w\+"\?\s*:\s*{\_[^}]*}.*\n\?',
\   })

This will not work for nested json blocks :( but it will work for your use case

The aj means you can execute vaj or daj or whatever your little heart desires.



Match from the start of the line to a key (word characters) with optional double quotes


Match anything that's not a closing nipple bracket. \_ means match across multiple lines.


Match a closing nipple bracket, and an optional newline so that it will not leave a line break around after you delete the block.

This regex could definietly be improved. It's probably impossible to do correct nested block selection with a regex, but I think textobj-entire lets you specify a function to run as well.

like image 65
Andy Ray Avatar answered Oct 30 '22 02:10

Andy Ray