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How to think about the lack of laws

I am a mathematician who works a lot with category theory, and I've been using Haskell for a while to perform certain computations etc., but I am definitely not a programmer. I really love Haskell and want to become much more fluent in it, and the type system is something that I find especially great to have in place when writing programs.

However, I've recently been trying to implement category theoretic things, and am running into problems concerning the fact that you seemingly can't have class method laws in Haskell. In case my terminology here is wrong, what I mean is that I can write

class Monoid c where
    id :: c -> c
    m :: c -> c -> c

but I can't write some law along the lines of

m (m x y) z ==  m x $ m y z

From what I gather, this is due to the lack of dependent types in Haskell, but I'm not sure how exactly this is the case (having now read a bit about dependent types). It also seems that the convention is just to include laws like this in comments and hope that you don't accidentally cook up some instance that doesn't satisfy them.

  1. How should I change my approach to Haskell to deal with this problem? Is there a nice mathematical/type-theoretic solution (for example, require the existence of an associator that is an isomorphism (though then the question is, how do we encode isomorphisms without a law?)); is there some 'hack' (using extensions such as DataKinds); should I be drastic and switch to using something like Idris instead; or is the best response to just change the way I think about using Haskell (i.e. accept that these laws can't be implemented in a Haskelly way)?
  2. (bonus) How exactly does the lack of laws come from not supporting dependent types?
like image 884
Tim Avatar asked Jun 24 '18 17:06


People also ask

What would you do if there were no laws?

Without laws, society would be chaotic and people would be able to do whatever they wanted. This could lead to violence, theft, and other crimes. Laws also protect our rights as citizens. They give us the right to a fair trial, the right to vote, and the freedom to express ourselves.

What happens in society that does not have the rule of law?

The lack of rule of law since 1962 is the main obstacle in the struggle for equity and against poverty. Under these circumstances, corruption and bribery are every-day facts that hinder socioeconomic development.

1 Answers

You want to require that:

m (m x y) z = m x (m y z)        -- (1)

But to require this you need a way to check it. So you, or your compiler (or proof assistant), need to construct a proof of this. And the question is, what type is a proof of (1)?

One could imagine some Proof type but then maybe you could just construct a proof that 0 = 0 instead of a proof of (1) and both would have type Proof. So you’d need a more general type. I can’t decide how to break up the rest of the question so I’ll go for a super brief explanation of the Curry-Howard isomorphism followed by an explanation of how to prove two things are equal and then how dependent types are relevant.

The Curry-Howard isomorphism says that propositions are isomorphic to types and proofs are isomorphic to programs: a type corresponds to a proposition and a proof of that proposition corresponds to a program constructing a value inhabiting that type. Ignoring how many propositions might be expressed as types, an example would be that the type A * B (written (A, B) in Haskell) corresponds to the proposition “A and B,” while the type A + B (written Either A B in Haskell) corresponds to the proposition “A or B.” Finally the type A -> B corresponds to “A implies B,” as a proof of this is a program which takes evidence of A and gives you evidence of B. One should note that there isn’t a way to express not A but one could imagine adding a type Not A with builtins of type Either a (Not a) for the law of the excluded middle as well as Not (Not a) -> a, and a * Not a -> Void (where Void is a type which cannot be inhabited and therefore corresponds to false), but then one can’t really run these programs to get constructivist proofs.

Now we will ignore some realities of Haskell and imagine that there aren’t ways round these rules (in particular undefined :: a says everything is true, and unsafeCoerce :: a -> b says that anything implies anything else, or just other functions that don’t return where their existence does not imply the corresponding proof).

So we know how to combine propositions but what might a proposition be? Well one could be to say that two types are equal. In Haskell this corresponds to the GADT

data Eq a b where Refl :: Eq c c

Where this constructor corresponds to the reflexive property of equality.

[side note: if you’re still interested so far, you may be interested to look up Voevodsky’s univalent foundations, depending on how much the idea of “Homotopy type theory” interests you]

So can we prove something now? How about the transitive property of equality:

trans :: Eq a b -> Eq b c -> Eq a c
trans x y =
  case x of
  Refl -> -- by this match being successful, the compiler now knows that a = b
    case y of
    Refl -> -- and now b = c and so the compiler knows a = c
      Refl -- the compiler knows that this is of type Eq d d, and as it knows a = c, this typechecks as Eq a c

This feels like one hasn’t really proven anything (especially as this mainly relies on the compiler knowing the transitive and symmetric properties), but one gets a similar feeling when proving simple things in logic as well.

So now how might you prove the original proposition (1)? Well let’s imagine we want a type c to be a monoid then we should also prove that $\forall x,y,z:c, m (m x y) z = m x (m y z).$ So we need a way to express m (m x y) z as a type. Strictly speaking this isn’t dependent types (this can be done with DataKinds to promote values and type families instead of functions). But you do need dependent types to have types depend on values. Specifically if you have a type Nat of natural numbers and a type family Vec :: Nat -> * (* is the kind (read type) of all types) of fixed length vectors, you could define a dependently typed function mkVec :: (n::Nat) -> Vec n. Observe how the type of the output depends on the value of the input.

So your law needs to have functions promoted to type level (skipping the questions about how one defines type equality and value equality), as well as dependent types (made up syntax):

class Monoid c where
  e :: c
  (*) :: c -> c -> c
  idl :: (x::c) -> Eq x (e * x)
  idr :: (x::c) -> Eq x (x * e)
  assoc :: (x::c) -> (y::c) -> (z::c) -> Eq ((x * y) * z) (x * (y * z))

Observe how types tend to become large with dependent types and proofs. In a language missing typeclasses one could put such values into a record.

Final note on the theory of dependent types and how these correspond to the curry Howard isomorphism.

Dependent types can be considered an answer to the question: what types correspond to the propositions $\forall x\in S\quad P(x)$ and $\exists y\in T\quad Q(y)?$

The answer is that you create new ways to make types: the dependent product and the dependent sum (coproduct). The dependent product expresses “for all values $x$ of type $S,$ there is a value of type $P(x).$” A normal product would be a dependent product with $S=2,$ a type inhabited by two values. A dependent product might be written (x:T) -> P x. A dependent sum says “some value $y$ of type $T$, paired with a value of type $Q(y).$” this might be written (y:T) * Q y.

One can think of these as a generalisation of arbitrarily indexed (co)products from Set to general categories, where one might sensibly write e.g. $\prod_\Lambda X(\lambda),$ and sometimes such notation is used in type theory.

like image 196
Dan Robertson Avatar answered Oct 25 '22 23:10

Dan Robertson