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How to test if a point is inside of a convex polygon in 2D integer coordinates?

The polygon is given as a list of Vector2I objects (2 dimensional, integer coordinates). How can i test if a given point is inside? All implementations i found on the web fail for some trivial counter-example. It really seems to be hard to write a correct implementation. The language does not matter as i will port it myself.

like image 943
usr Avatar asked Jul 13 '09 14:07


People also ask

How do you determine if a point is inside a convex polygon?

Algorithm: For a convex polygon, if the sides of the polygon can be considered as a path from any one of the vertex. Then, a query point is said to be inside the polygon if it lies on the same side of all the line segments making up the path.

How can I determine whether a 2d point is within a polygon?

One simple way of finding whether the point is inside or outside a simple polygon is to test how many times a ray, starting from the point and going in any fixed direction, intersects the edges of the polygon. If the point is on the outside of the polygon the ray will intersect its edge an even number of times.

How do you know if a point is inside convex hull?

First, obtain the convex hull for your point cloud. Then loop over all of the edges of the convex hull in counter-clockwise order. For each of the edges, check whether your target point lies to the "left" of that edge. When doing this, treat the edges as vectors pointing counter-clockwise around the convex hull.

2 Answers

If it is convex, a trivial way to check it is that the point is laying on the same side of all the segments (if traversed in the same order).

You can check that easily with the dot product (as it is proportional to the cosine of the angle formed between the segment and the point, if we calculate it with the normal of the edge, those with positive sign would lay on the right side and those with negative sign on the left side).

Here is the code in Python:

RIGHT = "RIGHT" LEFT = "LEFT"  def inside_convex_polygon(point, vertices):     previous_side = None     n_vertices = len(vertices)     for n in xrange(n_vertices):         a, b = vertices[n], vertices[(n+1)%n_vertices]         affine_segment = v_sub(b, a)         affine_point = v_sub(point, a)         current_side = get_side(affine_segment, affine_point)         if current_side is None:             return False #outside or over an edge         elif previous_side is None: #first segment             previous_side = current_side         elif previous_side != current_side:             return False     return True  def get_side(a, b):     x = cosine_sign(a, b)     if x < 0:         return LEFT     elif x > 0:          return RIGHT     else:         return None  def v_sub(a, b):     return (a[0]-b[0], a[1]-b[1])  def cosine_sign(a, b):     return a[0]*b[1]-a[1]*b[0] 
like image 124
fortran Avatar answered Oct 12 '22 13:10


The Ray Casting or Winding methods are the most common for this problem. See the Wikipedia article for details.

Also, Check out this page for a well-documented solution in C.

like image 22
e.James Avatar answered Oct 12 '22 13:10
