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How to test for AnonymousUser in Django Unittesting




  • I'm testing a form
  • A user may be logged in, or anonymous, when presented with the form
  • If the form succeeds, the user will be logged in
  • If the form fails, the user will remain as they were
  • I'd like to confirm this behaviour by unit testing.

django.test.Client does have a login method for this kind of thing, but given a response object how do I determine who is logged in?

    data = {'email':'john@example.com','password':'abc'}
    c = Client()
    # here was can assume `request.user` is the AnonymousUser
    # or I can use `c.login(..)` to log someone in
    r = c.post('/myform/', data)

Can my unittest determine who the request.user would now be if I were to submit a second request?

like image 809
John Mee Avatar asked Jun 28 '13 05:06

John Mee

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1 Answers

You can do this:

client = Client()
# here was can assume `request.user` is the AnonymousUser
# or I can use `c.login(..)` to log someone in
from django.contrib import auth
user = auth.get_user(client) # it returns User or AnonymousUser

if user.is_anonymous():

It works because client keeps a user session (client.session).

like image 89
Andrei Kaigorodov Avatar answered Sep 21 '22 21:09

Andrei Kaigorodov