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Why Logging is not working on django website?




This is what i tried . In my view.py file ,

import logging
logger = logging.getLogger("mylog")
logging.basicConfig(format='%(name)s:%(levelname)s:%(message)s',level=logging.INFO,datefmt='%d/%m/%y %I:%M:%S')

Then inside a function ,

logger.debug("this is an error")
logger.warning("This is a warning")
print "This is a test line '

I have not touched the settings.py file .its pretty much the same.


    'version': 1,

    'disable_existing_loggers': False,

    'handlers': {

        'mail_admins': {

            'level': 'ERROR',

            'class': 'django.utils.log.AdminEmailHandler'



    'loggers': {

        'django.request': {

            'handlers': ['mail_admins'],

            'level': 'ERROR',

            'propagate': True,



When i run the server , and call the function , nothing happens . no error , nothing .

I just want to see a log line on the console .

like image 437
Arindam Roychowdhury Avatar asked Jun 11 '12 07:06

Arindam Roychowdhury

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How do I add a logger to Django project?

First Steps With Logging Begin by updating the app/views.py file with the following code: import logging from django. http import HttpResponse # This retrieves a Python logging instance (or creates it) logger = logging. getLogger(__name__) def index(request): # Send the Test!!

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Where do Django logs go?

The Django One-Click application employs Gunicorn and Upstart. Application level logging can be found in /var/log/upstart/gunicorn. log By default, Gunicorn logs to stderr and Upstart will collect output to stderr/stdout in /var/log/upstart/$JOB_NAME.

1 Answers

Try adding this to handlers:

            'formatter': 'simple'

and in loggers:

    'django': {
        'propagate': True,

The log level could be the same or different - In fact the handler defines the minimum level it will log, while the logger defines the minimum level it will send to handler. If one handler is used by two or more loggers - it should ideally has the lowest level from both loggers.

EDIT: Thanks to @jpic for pointing the loggers section.

like image 166
Tisho Avatar answered Sep 20 '22 20:09
