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How to test App on a real iphone using Xcode 6?

As Xcode 6 is quite new, and the layout is a bit different from Xcode 5. I have no idea how to test my App on a real iphone using Xcode 6. I want to test my App on my iPhone 5s. I have joined the developer programme. Are there any step by step tutorials? Thank you.

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user978112 Avatar asked Mar 18 '23 04:03


1 Answers

If the above description doesn't work,

  1. Just start XCode 6
  2. Connect your iPhone 5S
  3. Select "Devices" in the Window menu
  4. Select your iPhone 5S on the left side under "Devices"
  5. Press on "Use Device for development"

From this point on, you should be able to select your iPhone 5 as destination for the build.

XCode 6 has the Organizer split into "Organizer" and "Devices" so maybe you are just missing the "Devices" screen.

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Marcus Avatar answered Mar 29 '23 11:03
