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How to tell Atom to not remember last opened project?



I would like to retrieve the welcome screen (and only it) when I start Atom. That way, I'll be able to choose the project I want to work on each time I start Atom (currently, I have to close the project opened the last time).

I already re-enabled the Welcome package in the init.coffee file so I see the welcome screen each time I start Atom, but there are two problems.

First: this screen is now shown every time I open a new window, so every time I open another project than the current one (I use Projects Manager if it matters). It's not very useful, as I only want to see this screen when I start Atom.

Second: I see the welcome screen on start, but only as new tabs in the last opened project, so the problem remains the same.

Has someone a solution?

like image 694
Jeremy Avatar asked Sep 26 '15 08:09


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1 Answers

I came across this problem, too.

But I found that if I had 'openEmptyEditorOnStart: true' in the config.cson file, and each time I quit the Atom I did "Remove Project Folder" in the "Tree View", next time I opened the Atom edit, I can open it without the last opened project.

Hope it helps. :)

enter image description here

like image 78
shyan1 Avatar answered Sep 17 '22 04:09
