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Unable to open Atom



I am unable to open my Atom Editor. It was working fine until yesterday, but don't know why it won't open today. No windows update or anything on my computer. I tried deleting the 'Storage' folder as mentioned in some online forums, doesn't help. Any suggestions? I am using Atom version


like image 939
Vasudeva Rao Aravind Avatar asked Sep 07 '17 14:09

Vasudeva Rao Aravind

2 Answers

If you're using MAC OS and have similar problem, try this: Open Window tab

window tab

and then click Zoom.


like image 148
Jakub Wysocki Avatar answered Oct 13 '22 20:10

Jakub Wysocki

Atom will sometime fail to open because of a bad configuration-file.

To better diagnose this on Windows (10), try running atom from a CMD window:

  1. Open the task-manager and kill any instance of Atom that is listed there
  2. Open a Command-window -
    Ctrl+Esc > (type "command") > Enter
  3. Go to where Atom is installed -
    cd %USERPROFILE%/AppData/Local/atom/app-*
  4. Run Atom -

If you see an error message at this point, it should help identify the problem.

If still not clear, you can try moving the main configuration-file,
which is in a different folder:

  1. cd %USERPROFILE%/.atom/
  2. rename config.cson config.SAVE.cson
  3. Go to where Atom is installed (again) -
    cd %USERPROFILE%/AppData/Local/atom/app-*
  4. Run Atom -

Based on this answer on the Atom forum:

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Gonen Avatar answered Oct 13 '22 20:10
