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Create Snippet with variables in Atom

Is it possible to incorporate variables into snippets in Atom? This comes in handy with for loops for example, when you want to pre-fill spots that are about to come.

The snippets.cson entry with java as a source I would imagine. Unfortunately it is not working.

        'prefix': 'fori'
        'body': 'for (int ${1:VAR} = $2; ${VAR} < $3; ${VAR}++) {\n\t$3\n}'
like image 829
TomTom Avatar asked Oct 15 '14 21:10


1 Answers

Current version of Atom can support this kind of snippet. You can just put $1 at every places you want.

    'prefix': 'fori'
    'body': 'for (int ${1:i} = $2; ${1:i} < $3; ${1:i}++) {\n\t$4\n}'
like image 152
Tiger Feng Avatar answered Oct 24 '22 08:10

Tiger Feng