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How to suppress py.test internal deprecation warnings




People also ask

How do I stop deprecation warning in Python?

When nothing else works: $ pip install shutup . Then at the top of the code import shutup;shutup. please() . This will disable all warnings.

How do I turn off Pytest warnings?

Disabling warnings summary Although not recommended, you can use the --disable-warnings command-line option to suppress the warning summary entirely from the test run output.

What does deprecation warning mean in Python?

removing is danger because user may used that and if a developer want to remove a thing first have to notify others to don't use this feature or things and after this he can remove. and DeprecationWarning is this notification.

How do I check my Pytest warnings?

-r chars show extra test summary info as specified by chars (f)ailed, (E)error, (s)skipped, (x)failed, (X)passed (w)pytest-warnings (a)all. This will allow to show warnings in the report (top portion of the record) will list which pytest plugins use deprecated arguments (in my case bellow):

From pytest --help:

                      disable warnings summary, overrides -r w flag

I think you do not want to hide all warnings, but just the ones that are not relevant. And in this case, deprectation warnings from imported python modules.

Having a read on pytest documentation about Warnings Capture:

Both -W command-line option and filterwarnings ini option are based on Python’s own -W option and warnings.simplefilter, so please refer to those sections in the Python documentation for other examples and advanced usage.

So you can filter warnings with python's -W option!

It seems that pytest completely removes filters, because it shows all those DeprecationWarning when running, and Python's documentation about Default Warning Filters clearly says:

In regular release builds, the default warning filter has the following entries (in order of precedence):


So in your case, if you want let say to filter types of warning you want to ignore, such as those DeprecationWarning, just run the pytest command with -W option :

$ pytest path-to-test-folder -W ignore::DeprecationWarning

EDIT: From colini's comment, it is possible to filter by module. Example to ignore deprecation warnings from all sqlalchemy :


You can then list your installed modules that creates too much noise in the output of pytest

Use with file rather than in command line:

You may prefer list those filters in pytest.ini file :

filterwarnings =

pytest -p no:warnings, or add the following to your pytest.ini or tox.ini:

addopts = -p no:warnings

The result will be green without any indication of warnings. See documentation at https://docs.pytest.org/en/latest/warnings.html#disabling-warnings-summary.

This can be a valid use case for a test suite where you want clean output.

Be aware that always hiding all warnings may cause you to miss important warnings. If you want to hide only specific warnings, look at Cloc's answer.

In the pytest.ini file you can add:

addopts = -p no:warnings

OR passing below line in the command-line. This might be useful if your test suites handle warnings using an external system.

-p no:warnings

OR if you only want to hide some specific deprecated warning, add below statement in you pytest.ini file

filterwarnings =
    ignore:.*U.*mode is deprecated:DeprecationWarning

This will ignore all warnings of type DeprecationWarning where the start of the message matches the regular expression ".*U.*mode is deprecated".

OR Although not recommended, you can use the


command-line option to suppress the warning summary entirely from the test run output.

I don't want to hide all warning, so I put this in pytest.ini

filterwarnings =

Here is a link for how to suppress warnings if you are using pyproject.toml file as configuration.

testpaths = ["./tests/unit"]
filterwarnings = ["ignore:::.*third_party_package.module:123", "ignore:::.*another_module*"]

123 in this case is a line number to be suppressed