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How are POST and GET variables handled in Python?





People also ask

What is the difference between GET and POST method in Python?

When the method is GET, all form data is encoded into the URL, appended to the action URL as query string parameters. With POST, form data appears within the message body of the HTTP request. In GET method, the parameter data is limited to what we can stuff into the request line (URL).

What is the limitation of get method in Python?

The GET method has size limitation: only 1024 characters can be sent in a request string. The GET method sends information using QUERY_STRING header and will be accessible in your CGI Program through QUERY_STRING environment variable.

What is CGI module in Python?

The Common Gateway Interface, or CGI, is a set of standards that define how information is exchanged between the web server and a custom script.

suppose you're posting a html form with this:

<input type="text" name="username">

If using raw cgi:

import cgi
form = cgi.FieldStorage()
print form["username"]

If using Django, Pylons, Flask or Pyramid:

print request.GET['username'] # for GET form method
print request.POST['username'] # for POST form method

Using Turbogears, Cherrypy:

from cherrypy import request
print request.params['username']


form = web.input()
print form.username


print request.form['username']

If using Cherrypy or Turbogears, you can also define your handler function taking a parameter directly:

def index(self, username):
    print username

Google App Engine:

class SomeHandler(webapp2.RequestHandler):
    def post(self):
        name = self.request.get('username') # this will get the value from the field named username
        self.response.write(name) # this will write on the document

So you really will have to choose one of those frameworks.

I know this is an old question. Yet it's surprising that no good answer was given.

First of all the question is completely valid without mentioning the framework. The CONTEXT is a PHP language equivalence. Although there are many ways to get the query string parameters in Python, the framework variables are just conveniently populated. In PHP, $_GET and $_POST are also convenience variables. They are parsed from QUERY_URI and php://input respectively.

In Python, these functions would be os.getenv('QUERY_STRING') and sys.stdin.read(). Remember to import os and sys modules.

We have to be careful with the word "CGI" here, especially when talking about two languages and their commonalities when interfacing with a web server. 1. CGI, as a protocol, defines the data transport mechanism in the HTTP protocol. 2. Python can be configured to run as a CGI-script in Apache. 3. The CGI module in Python offers some convenience functions.

Since the HTTP protocol is language-independent, and that Apache's CGI extension is also language-independent, getting the GET and POST parameters should bear only syntax differences across languages.

Here's the Python routine to populate a GET dictionary:


for arg in args: 
    if len(t)>1: k,v=arg.split('='); GET[k]=v

and for POST:


for arg in args: 
    if len(t)>1: k, v=arg.split('='); POST[k]=v

You can now access the fields as following:

print GET.get('user_id')
print POST.get('user_name')

I must also point out that the CGI module doesn't work well. Consider this HTTP request:

POST / test.py?user_id=6


Using CGI.FieldStorage().getvalue('user_id') will cause a null pointer exception because the module blindly checks the POST data, ignoring the fact that a POST request can carry GET parameters too.

I've found nosklo's answer very extensive and useful! For those, like myself, who might find accessing the raw request data directly also useful, I would like to add the way to do that:

import os, sys

# the query string, which contains the raw GET data
# (For example, for http://example.com/myscript.py?a=b&c=d&e
# this is "a=b&c=d&e")

# the raw POST data

They are stored in the CGI fieldstorage object.

import cgi
form = cgi.FieldStorage()

print "The user entered %s" % form.getvalue("uservalue")

It somewhat depends on what you use as a CGI framework, but they are available in dictionaries accessible to the program. I'd point you to the docs, but I'm not getting through to python.org right now. But this note on mail.python.org will give you a first pointer. Look at the CGI and URLLIB Python libs for more.


Okay, that link busted. Here's the basic wsgi ref