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How to sum up time field in SQL Server

I have a column called "WrkHrs" and the data type is time(hh:mm:ss). I want to sum up the working hours for employees. But since it's time data type sql server doesn't let me use like sum(columnname).

How can I sum up the time data type fieled in sql query?

like image 930
Sas Avatar asked Mar 15 '12 18:03


People also ask

How do I sum a time field in SQL?

SELECT EmployeeID, minutes_worked = SUM(DATEDIFF(MINUTE, '0:00:00', WrkHrs)) FROM dbo. table -- WHERE ... GROUP BY EmployeeID; You can format it pretty on the front end.

How can I sum datetime column in SQL Server?

You cannot sum times. What you should do instead is use the DateDiff function with your start and end time using the seconds parameter. This will return an integer data type which you can SUM on. When you're done, convert it to a DateTime to format it like hours:minutes:seconds.

How do you sum HH MM SS in SQL Server?

Answers. Just sum the seconds first and do the formatting later: WITH Summed AS ( SELECT S.name , SUM(DATEDIFF(SECOND, T. create_date, T.

2 Answers

SELECT EmployeeID, minutes_worked = SUM(DATEDIFF(MINUTE, '0:00:00', WrkHrs))  FROM dbo.table  -- WHERE ... GROUP BY EmployeeID; 

You can format it pretty on the front end. Or in T-SQL:

;WITH w(e, mw) AS (     SELECT EmployeeID, SUM(DATEDIFF(MINUTE, '0:00:00', WrkHrs))      FROM dbo.table      -- WHERE ...     GROUP BY EmployeeID ) SELECT EmployeeID = e,   WrkHrs = RTRIM(mw/60) + ':' + RIGHT('0' + RTRIM(mw%60),2)   FROM w; 

However, you're using the wrong data type. TIME is used to indicate a point in time, not an interval or duration. Wouldn't it make sense to store their work hours in two distinct columns, StartTime and EndTime?

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Aaron Bertrand Avatar answered Oct 04 '22 00:10

Aaron Bertrand

In order to sum up the working hours for an employee you can calculate the difference between the shift start time and end time in minutes and convert it to readable format as following:

    DECLARE @StartTime      datetime = '08:00'     DECLARE @EndTime        datetime = '10:47'     DECLARE @durMinutes     int     DECLARE @duration       nvarchar(5)      SET @durMinutes = DATEDIFF(MINUTE, @StartTime, @EndTime)      SET @duration =      (SELECT RIGHT('00' + CAST((@durMinutes / 60) AS VARCHAR(2)),2) + ':' +              RIGHT('00' + CAST((@durMinutes % 60) AS VARCHAR(2)), 2))      SELECT @duration 

The result : 02:47 two hours and 47 minutes

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A Ghazal Avatar answered Oct 03 '22 22:10

A Ghazal