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How to substring in jquery

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What substring () and substr () will do?

The difference between substring() and substr() The two parameters of substr() are start and length , while for substring() , they are start and end . substr() 's start index will wrap to the end of the string if it is negative, while substring() will clamp it to 0 .

How do you find a substring in a string?

Using String#contains() method The standard solution to check if a string is a substring of another string is using the String#contains() method. It returns true if the string contains the specified string, false otherwise.

How do you cut a substring?

The slice() method extracts a part of a string. The slice() method returns the extracted part in a new string. The slice() method does not change the original string. The start and end parameters specifies the part of the string to extract.

How do I search for a specific word in a string using jquery?

How to find if a word or a substring is present in the given string. In this case, we will use the includes() method which determines whether a string contains the specified word or a substring. If the word or substring is present in the given string, the includes() method returns true; otherwise, it returns false.

No jQuery needed! Just use the substring method:

var gorge = name.substring(4);

Or if the text you want to remove isn't static:

var name = 'nameGorge';
var toRemove = 'name';
var gorge = name.replace(toRemove,'');

Using .split(). (Second version uses .slice() and .join() on the Array.)

var result = name.split('name')[1];
var result = name.split('name').slice( 1 ).join(''); // May be a little safer

Using .replace().

var result = name.replace('name','');

Using .slice() on a String.

var result = name.slice( 4 );

Standard javascript will do that using the following syntax:

string.substring(from, to)

var name = "nameGorge";
var output = name.substring(4);

Read more here: http://www.w3schools.com/jsref/jsref_substring.asp

That's just plain JavaScript: see substring and substr.

You don't need jquery in order to do that.

var placeHolder="name";
var res=name.substr(name.indexOf(placeHolder) + placeHolder.length);