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Access CSS variable from javascript [duplicate]

People also ask

Can you access CSS variable in JavaScript?

CSS variables have access to the DOM, which means that you can change them with JavaScript.

How do you get a variable in CSS?

The getComputedStyle() method gives an object which includes all the styles applied to the target element. getPropertyValue() method is used to obtain the desired property from the computed styles. setProperty() is used to change the value of CSS variable.

Just the standard way:

  1. Get the computed styles with getComputedStyle
  2. Use getPropertyValue to get the value of the desired property


var style = getComputedStyle(document.body)
console.log( style.getPropertyValue('--bar') ) // #336699
console.log( style.getPropertyValue('--baz') ) // calc(2px*2)
:root { --foo:#336699; --bar:var(--foo); --baz:calc(2px*2); }

Use this:


And you can change it like this:

document.documentElement.style.setProperty('--color-font-general', '#000');
