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How to specify an array of objects as a parameter or return value in JSDoc?

In JSDoc, the best documentation I can find shows to use the following if you have an array of a specific type (such as an array of strings) as:

 * @param {Array.<string>} myStrings All my awesome strings
 function blah(myStrings){
     //stuff here...

How would you replace the below question marks specify an array of objects?

 * @param {???????} myObjects All of my equally awesome objects
 function blah(myObjects){
     //stuff here...
like image 457
Ray Avatar asked Oct 06 '22 21:10


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1 Answers

You should be more specific what you mean by JSDoc - this is a generic term covering pretty much all the JavaDoc-style documentation tools for JavaScript.

The syntax you used for array of strings looks like the one supported by Google Closure Compiler.

Using this, an array of Objects would be:

 * @param {Array.<Object>} myObjects

Or just an array of anything - this should work with pretty much all doc tools:

 * @param {Array} myArray

jsdoc-toolkit, JSDoc 3, and JSDuck support the following syntax to denote an array of objects:

 * @param {Object[]} myArray


In case you know the keys and the variable type of the values you can also do:

 * @param {Array.<{myNumber: Number, myString: String, myArray: Array}>} myObjects


 * @param {{myNumber: Number, myString: String, myArray: Array}[]} myObjects
like image 74
Rene Saarsoo Avatar answered Oct 08 '22 17:10

Rene Saarsoo