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How to find the size of localStorage

People also ask

How do I check LocalStorage data size?

Here is a handy snippet that will output the size of the objects in your local storage as well as the approximate space remaining based on a 5MB max storage size: var localStorageSpace = function(){ var data = ''; console. log('Current local storage: '); for(var key in window.

What is the size of session storage?

SessionStorage is used for storing data on the client side. Maximum limit of data saving in SessionStorage is about 5 MB. Data in the SessionStorage exist till the current tab is open if we close the current tab then our data will also erase automatically from the SessionStorage.

How much data can you store in LocalStorage?

Data stored using local storage isn't sent back to the server (unlike cookies, ). All the data stays on the client-side, thus there is a defined limitation regarding the length of the values, and we can currently store from 2 MB to 10 MB size of data depending upon the browser we use. Syntax: localStorage.

Execute this snippet in JavaScript console (one line version):

var _lsTotal=0,_xLen,_x;for(_x in localStorage){ if(!localStorage.hasOwnProperty(_x)){continue;} _xLen= ((localStorage[_x].length + _x.length)* 2);_lsTotal+=_xLen; console.log(_x.substr(0,50)+" = "+ (_xLen/1024).toFixed(2)+" KB")};console.log("Total = " + (_lsTotal / 1024).toFixed(2) + " KB");

The same code in multiple lines for reading sake

var _lsTotal = 0,
    _xLen, _x;
for (_x in localStorage) {
    if (!localStorage.hasOwnProperty(_x)) {
    _xLen = ((localStorage[_x].length + _x.length) * 2);
    _lsTotal += _xLen;
    console.log(_x.substr(0, 50) + " = " + (_xLen / 1024).toFixed(2) + " KB")
console.log("Total = " + (_lsTotal / 1024).toFixed(2) + " KB");

or add this text in the field 'location' of a bookmark for convenient usage

javascript: var x, xLen, log=[],total=0;for (x in localStorage){if(!localStorage.hasOwnProperty(x)){continue;} xLen =  ((localStorage[x].length * 2 + x.length * 2)/1024); log.push(x.substr(0,30) + " = " +  xLen.toFixed(2) + " KB"); total+= xLen}; if (total > 1024){log.unshift("Total = " + (total/1024).toFixed(2)+ " MB");}else{log.unshift("Total = " + total.toFixed(2)+ " KB");}; alert(log.join("\n")); 

P.S. Snippets are updated according to request in the comment. Now the calculation includes the length of the key itself. Each length is multiplied by 2 because the char in javascript stores as UTF-16 (occupies 2 bytes)

P.P.S. Should work both in Chrome and Firefox.

Going off of what @Shourav said above, I wrote a small function that should accurately grab all your the localStorage keys (for the current domain) and calculate the combined size so that you know exactly how much memory is taken up by your localStorage object:

var localStorageSpace = function(){
        var allStrings = '';
        for(var key in window.localStorage){
                allStrings += window.localStorage[key];
        return allStrings ? 3 + ((allStrings.length*16)/(8*1024)) + ' KB' : 'Empty (0 KB)';

Mine returned: "30.896484375 KB"

You can get the current size of the local storage data using the Blob function. This may not work in old browsers, check the support for new Blob and Object.values() at caniuse.


return new Blob(Object.values(localStorage)).size;

Object.values() turns the localStorage object to an array. Blob turns the array into raw data.

IE has a remainingSpace property of the Storage object. The other browsers have no equivilant at this time.

I believe that the default amount of space is 5MB, although I have not tested it personally.

Here is a simple example of how to do this and should work with every browser

alert(1024 * 1024 * 5 - unescape(encodeURIComponent(JSON.stringify(localStorage))).length);