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How to solve "Secure storage was unable to save the master password" in Eclipse CDT remote application with SSH password debug connection?

I'm trying to debug a C program remotely with Eclipse and gdbserver.

I have managed to make both the manual and public key SSH authentication work with Eclipse as described at: Remote debugging C++ applications with Eclipse CDT/RSE/RDT

However, if I try to create a connection with SSH password, creation fails a few error popups appear, the first of which is:

Secure storage was unable to save the master password

The first two lines of the stack trace are:

java.lang.SecurityException: Unable to get DBus session bus: Could not connect: Connection refused
    at org.eclipse.equinox.internal.security.linux.LinuxPasswordProvider.saveMasterPassword(Native Method)

Other exceptions I got are:

No password provided.


Unable to locate secure storage module

Tested in Ubuntu 16.04 host and Eclipse Oxygen 4.7.0 downloaded from the Eclipse website.

Some possibly related issues:

  • https://bugs.eclipse.org/bugs/show_bug.cgi?id=329615
  • https://bugs.eclipse.org/bugs/show_bug.cgi?id=429678
  • https://bugs.eclipse.org/bugs/show_bug.cgi?id=329615
  • https://github.com/redhat-developer/vscode-java/issues/212
  • https://dev.eclipse.org/mhonarc/lists/ptp-user/msg03178.html

1 Answers

Go to Window > Preferences > Secure storage and uncheck "Linux Integration (64 bit)", leaving "UI Prompt" as the only checked option.

Likely Eclipse was trying to integrate with some native password provider, and the integration is bogged. TODO: understand precisely why.

Now, the next time I try to create the connection with password, a popup appears asking me to set a "Master password". I do that, and everything works.

enter image description here