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install Apache common lang 2.5 in Eclipse




A newbie to Eclipse and Java...can anyone tell me how could I install the Apache common lang 2.5 in Eclipse?



like image 894
tom Avatar asked Jun 22 '10 08:06


1 Answers

Detailed steps -

0) Download commons-lang-2.5-bin.zip from Apache Commons - Lang Downloads http://commons.apache.org/lang/download_lang.cgi Expand the archive in a directory (eg. \projects\commons-lang-2.5)

In Eclipse -

1). Put the library in the Java build path

Eclipse -> Preferences: Java - Build path - User Libraries push the "New..." button, and in the "User library name:" enter 'appache-commons-lang'.

Click to select "appache-commons-lang" in the "Defined user libraries" list and then click on the "Add JARs..." button and browse for commons-lang-2.5.jar (in the folder saved earlier) and select it.

In the "Defined user libraries", under commons-lang-2.5.jar need to have "Source attachment" and "Javadoc location" specified. For each of them, select it, then push "Edit..." , then "External file" and browse for the corresponding jar (commons-lang-2.5-sources.jar and commons-lang-2.5-javadoc.jar)

2) In the project add this user library In the Package Explorer right-click on the project name, go to Properties, and select the Libraries tab; click the "Add Library..." button, from the list select "User library" , "Next", mark [x] appache-commons-lang, and click "Finish"

like image 192
tom Avatar answered Sep 22 '22 13:09
