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how to simply import a groovy file in another groovy script



 % tree
├── lib
│   ├── GTemplate.class
│   └── GTemplate.groovy
└── Simple.groovy

class GTemplate {
  static def toHtml() {
  def toHtml1() {

import lib.*
class Simple extends GTemplate {


% groovyc Simple.groovy org.codehaus.groovy.control.MultipleCompilationErrorsException: startup failed: Compilation incomplete: expected to find the class lib.GTemplate in /home/bhaarat/groovy/lib/GTemplate.groovy, but the file contains the classes: GTemplate 1 error

like image 924
Josh Avatar asked Jan 05 '12 05:01


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A simple import is an import statement where you fully define the class name along with the package. For example the import statement import groovy. xml. MarkupBuilder in the code below is a simple import which directly refers to a class inside a package.

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1 Answers

It looks like you are confusing Groovy with PHP-like techniques.

Because it's closer to Java, if a class exists within a subfolder, it needs to exist within a package of the same name. In your example, you could add this line to the top of GTemplate.groovy and recompile the file:

package lib

However, this means that the fully-qualified name for GTemplate is now actually lib.GTemplate. This may not be what you want.

Alternatively, if you want to use the files from a subfolder without using packages, you could remove the import statement from Simple.groovy, and instead compile and run the class like so:

groovyc -classpath $CLASSPATH:./lib/ Simple.groovy
groovy -classpath $CLASSPATH:./lib/ Simple

NOTE: If you don't have a CLASSPATH already set, you can simply use:

groovyc -classpath ./lib/ Simple.groovy
groovy -classpath ./lib/ Simple

Also, for windows machines, change $CLASSPATH: to %CLASSPATH%;

I strongly recommend learning about packages and understanding how they work. Look at this Wikipedia article on Java packages for a starting point.

like image 129
OverZealous Avatar answered Oct 11 '22 05:10
