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Spock invocation for Groovy's generated getters using a final field

Groovy generates getters and setters for all your class' fields. So when you do this:

class Foo {
    final bar
new Foo().bar

you're actually calling the generated method Foo.getBar().

I have a Spock specification that likes to check the invocations of such a generated getter:

def "some spock test"() {
    given: def fooMock = Mock(Foo)
    when:  someFunction(fooMock)
    then:  1 * fooMock.getBar()

someFunction() does fooMock.bar but I always get

Too few invocations for:
1 * fooMock.getBar()   (0 invocations)

1 * fooMock.bar doesn't work, either. How can I check that bar is read from Foo in the test? It works, if I omit final, but this is a crappy solution...

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Francois Bourgeois Avatar asked Dec 20 '13 10:12

Francois Bourgeois

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Does Groovy have getters and setters?

] In fact, like before with the Groovy defined Loan, Groovy will invoke the getter or setter for that property defined in the Java class. Clearly, the ability to seemingly access properties cuts down on the amount of code one must write; plus, the perceived safety and encapsulation that these methods provide is still present.

1 Answers

For a final property, Groovy generates a final getter method. However, test doubles created with Mock(), Stub(), or Spy() are purely proxy-based, and therefore cannot intercept final methods.

Since your code under test is written in Groovy, you can use a GroovyMock() instead, which solves the problem.

PS: Both 1 * foo.getBar() and 1 * foo.bar are valid notations.

PPS: Only prefer GroovyMock() over Mock() if you have a concrete reason (mocking a final method, mocking a dynamic method, etc.). For details, see the reference documentation.

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Peter Niederwieser Avatar answered Oct 18 '22 18:10

Peter Niederwieser