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How to use Global Property name in my JSON input request using SoapUI?

I have a SoapUI project which contains around 60 plus services. Each service requires some input which will be changed for every execution. So I have created certain Global Properties and assign some values to that properties.

I have to use these properties values in my SoapUI request ( i.e. JSON Format request ).

If it is groovy script means, I will use like this.

String HTiC_Username = com.eviware.soapui.model.propertyexpansion.PropertyExpansionUtils.globalProperties['HTiC_Username'].value;

But, how to get the value of the Global Property in the request?

Hope you understand my question. Please provide proper guidance.


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Karunagara Pandi Avatar asked Apr 26 '13 04:04

Karunagara Pandi

1 Answers

To dynamically "expand" (i.e. substitute) the value of a property into a test step, the following syntax is used: ${#scope#propertyName}

...where 'scope' refers to the level at which the property has been defined (e.g. Global, Project, TestSuite, TestCase).

So to expand a property named username defined as a Global property, for example, the following code can be used directly within a Request Test Step (e.g within a JSON body, or header value, etc):


To access the same property value within a Groovy Test Step, you can use the following syntax: context.expand('${#scope#propertyName}')

...as in the following example:

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drond Avatar answered Sep 28 '22 03:09
