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How to show/hide div in WinJS Template dynamically

I have a Windows 8 app with a template that contains a div I want to show or hide based on the value of a property inside a data-win-control="WinJS.Binding.Template". I have tried the following without luck:

<div data-win-bind="visible: isMore"> ..content... </div>

where isMore is a boolean property of the databound item.

How can I do that? I guess the visible property does not exist?

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Themos Piperakis Avatar asked May 17 '12 06:05

Themos Piperakis

1 Answers

You are right - the visible property doesn't exist, but you can control the appearance using CSS and a binding converter.

First, use WinJS.Binding.converter to create a converter function that translates a boolean to a value value for the CSS display property, like this:

var myConverter = WinJS.Binding.converter(function (val) {
    return val ? "block" : "none";

Make sure that the function is globally available - I use WinJS.Namespace.define to create collections of these converters that I can get to globally.

Now you can use the converter in your data binding to control the CSS display property, like this:

<div data-win-bind="style.display: isMore myConverter"> ..content... </div>
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Adam Freeman Avatar answered Oct 27 '22 02:10

Adam Freeman