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How to set up Travis CI with multiple languages



My project uses both nodejs and java

I tried starting off with a node_js build then installing java (since this is an npm module)

but the scripts to install java failed, plus I don't think there's a need to install it when there is a build with java that already exists.

should I start off with a java build then install node?

I'm trying this

language: java   - oraclejdk8 language: node_js node_js:   - "0.10" 

which ignores the first 2 lines it seems and builds a node_js build which has java 7 and my project uses java 8

I tried this answer for python


language: node_js node_js:   - "0.10" java: oraclejdk8 

but that didn't work

How can I add java 8?

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Amr Draz Avatar asked Dec 25 '14 05:12

Amr Draz

People also ask

Which file is used to configure the Travis CI?

3) To set up a build environment and prepare the build, Travis CI's system fetches and processes the . travis. yml config file from the repository and the branch explicitly specified in the build request, triggered by GitHub.

Is Travis CI a CI tool?

Like Jenkins, Travis CI is also one of the early players in the CI/CD tools market. The tool is written in Ruby and is developed & maintained by the Travis CI community. Travis CI was earlier available only for GitHub hosted projects but now it also supports Bitbucket hosted projects.

How do you trigger Travis CI?

Trigger Travis CI builds using the API V3 by sending a POST request to /repo/{slug|id}/requests : Get an API token from your Travis CI settings page. You'll need the token to authenticate most of these API requests.

2 Answers

It seems to be possible now to run several languages in one .travis.yml file using the jobs:include feature. As an example, my Github repo is arranged as follows:

project/ - top-level github directory project/backend - Python backend project/backend/tests - Python tests project/android/AppName - Android app project/ios/AppName - iOS app 

Here is the .travis.yml, which runs tests in Python, Java, and Objective-C:

jobs:   include:     - language: python       python: 2.7       before_script:         - cd backend/tests       script:         - python -m unittest discover      - language: android       dist: trusty       jdk: oraclejdk8       android:         components:           - tools           - android-25           - build-tools-25.0.3       before_script:         - cd android/AppName       script:         - ./gradlew build connectedCheck      - language: objective-c       os: osx       osx_image: xcode8.3       before_script:         - cd ios/AppName       script:         - xcodebuild -workspace AppName.xcworkspace -scheme AppName           -destination 'platform=iOS Simulator,name=iPhone 7,OS=10.3' build test  notifications:   email:     - [email protected] 

It seems you can build as many different configurations as you like using this feature, by treating each entry in the matrix as a top level config. Of course, if you have any parameters you want to set that apply to all languages, you can do that at the top level, as I do here with the notifications:email section.

When it is all set up, then on each build, you get something like this. Boom.

enter image description here

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Codiak Avatar answered Sep 20 '22 09:09


On a Travis Java build environment, you can use nvm to manage Node.js runtimes:


language: java  jdk:   - oraclejdk8  env:   - NODE_VERSION="0.12"  before_install:   - nvm install $NODE_VERSION 

If your Node version is very recent, you might have to update nvm too.

To update nvm, write this in your .travis.yml:

before_install:   - wget https://raw.githubusercontent.com/creationix/nvm/v0.31.0/nvm.sh -O ~/.nvm/nvm.sh   - source ~/.nvm/nvm.sh   - nvm install 5 # for Node v5   - node --version 

The above example shows how to first update to nvm v0.31, to then obtain Node v5.

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Benny Neugebauer Avatar answered Sep 20 '22 09:09

Benny Neugebauer