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How to set the value of dataclass field in __post_init__ when frozen=True?



I'm trying to create a frozen dataclass but I'm having issues with setting a value from __post_init__. Is there a way to set a field value based on values from an init param in a dataclass when using the frozen=True setting?

RANKS = '2,3,4,5,6,7,8,9,10,J,Q,K,A'.split(',') SUITS = 'H,D,C,S'.split(',')   @dataclass(order=True, frozen=True) class Card:     rank: str = field(compare=False)     suit: str = field(compare=False)     value: int = field(init=False)     def __post_init__(self):         self.value = RANKS.index(self.rank) + 1     def __add__(self, other):         if isinstance(other, Card):             return self.value + other.value         return self.value + other     def __str__(self):         return f'{self.rank} of {self.suit}' 

and this is the trace

 File "C:/Users/user/.PyCharm2018.3/config/scratches/scratch_5.py", line 17, in __post_init__     self.value = RANKS.index(self.rank) + 1   File "<string>", line 3, in __setattr__ dataclasses.FrozenInstanceError: cannot assign to field 'value' 
like image 585
nicholishen Avatar asked Dec 13 '18 07:12


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1 Answers

Use the same thing the generated __init__ method does: object.__setattr__.

def __post_init__(self):     object.__setattr__(self, 'value', RANKS.index(self.rank) + 1) 
like image 86
user2357112 supports Monica Avatar answered Nov 07 '22 19:11

user2357112 supports Monica