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How to set the java.library.path in intelliJ Idea

Could anyone please help how do I solve this error:

Native code library failed to load. java.lang.UnsatisfiedLinkError: no ts-jni in java.library.path 

I am using IDEA IDE as a first time, and have been using Resin_4.0.37 as a server to test my work. As soon as I start my lcoal server in debug mode it stays for approximately 1-2 mins and then suddenly it drops down and get disconnected by giving me the above error.

I have set my Windows environmental variable correctly; and have also did the following in my IDE intelliJ:

 FILE->Project Structure->set Global Libraries->a. Java path and b. Resin library path. 

Can any one please suggest me, what am I doing wrong and how do I set native library in intelliJ IDEA to solve the mentioned error.

Any help would be appreciated. Also do correct me if I am doing something wrong.


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AKIWEB Avatar asked Oct 10 '13 23:10


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1 Answers

If you run your program from IntelliJ then you can set the java.library.path in the VM options input field in the Run/Debug Configurations dialog.

enter image description here



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maba Avatar answered Oct 12 '22 03:10
