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Try With Resources vs Try-Catch [duplicate]

I have been looking at code and I have seen try with resources. I have used the standard try-catch statement before and it looks like they do the same thing. So my question is Try With Resources vs Try-Catch what are the differences between those, and which is better.

Here is a try with resources :

objects jar = new objects("brand"); objects can= new objects("brand");  try (FileOutputStream outStream = new FileOutputStream("people.bin")){     ObjectOutputStream stream = new ObjectOutputStream(outStream);      stream.writeObject(jar);     stream.writeObject(can);      stream.close(); } catch(FileNotFoundException e) {     System.out.println("sorry it didn't work out"); } catch(IOException f) {     System.out.println("sorry it didn't work out"); } 
like image 765
computerquest Avatar asked Oct 22 '14 19:10


People also ask

What is the difference between try and try-with-resources?

The try -with-resources statement is a try statement that declares one or more resources. A resource is an object that must be closed after the program is finished with it. The try -with-resources statement ensures that each resource is closed at the end of the statement.

Do you need a catch with try-with-resources?

A try-with-resources statement can have catch and finally blocks just like an ordinary try statement. In a try-with-resources statement, any catch or finally block is run after the resources declared have been closed.

Why is try-with-resources better than finally?

This is achieved by removing the need for finally blocks, which developers only used to close resources in practice. Additionally, code using try-with-resources is often cleaner and more readable, therefore, making the code easier to manage, especially when we're dealing with many try blocks.

What happens if try-with-resources throws an exception?

If an exception is thrown from within a Java try-with-resources block, any resource opened inside the parentheses of the try block will still get closed automatically. The throwing of the exception will force the execution to leave the try block, and this will force the automatic closing of the resource.

1 Answers

The main point of try-with-resources is to make sure resources are closed reliably without possibly losing information.

When you don't use try-with-resources there's a potential pitfall called exception-masking. When code in a try block throws an exception, and the close method in the finally also throws an exception, the exception thrown by the try block gets lost and the exception thrown in the finally gets propagated. This is usually unfortunate, since the exception thrown on close is something unhelpful while the useful exception is the informative one. (So instead of seeing the SQLException that tells you which referential integrity constraint was violated, you're shown something like BrokenPipeException where closing the resource failed.)

This exception-masking is an annoying problem that try-with-resources prevents from happening.

As part of making sure exception-masking wouldn't lose important exception information, when try-with-resources was developed they had to decide what to do with the exceptions thrown from the close method.

With try-with-resources, if the try block throws an exception and the close method also throws an exception, then the exception from the close block gets tacked on to the original exception:

... there are situations where two independent exceptions can be thrown in sibling code blocks, in particular in the try block of a try-with-resources statement and the compiler-generated finally block which closes the resource. In these situations, only one of the thrown exceptions can be propagated. In the try-with-resources statement, when there are two such exceptions, the exception originating from the try block is propagated and the exception from the finally block is added to the list of exceptions suppressed by the exception from the try block. As an exception unwinds the stack, it can accumulate multiple suppressed exceptions.

On the other hand if your code completes normally but the resource you're using throws an exception on close, that exception (which would get suppressed if the code in the try block threw anything) gets thrown. That means that if you have some JDBC code where a ResultSet or PreparedStatement is closed by try-with-resources, an exception resulting from some infrastructure glitch when a JDBC object gets closed can be thrown and can rollback an operation that otherwise would have completed successfully.

Without try-with-resources whether the close method exception gets thrown is up to the application code. If it gets thrown in a finally block when the try block throws an exception, the exception from the finally block will mask the other exception. But the developer has the option of catching the exception thrown on close and not propagating it.

like image 197
Nathan Hughes Avatar answered Sep 19 '22 22:09

Nathan Hughes