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How to set ATOM text editor setting find and replace to CASE SENSITIVE



I'm new to Atom and trying to find a way to set the options find and replace to "case sensitive" insated of "case insensitive" as default .

Where to change it in setting ? does it have to do with project-find-view-spec.js ? if so, can you guide me to specific location ? I don't know coffee.. Thanks,

like image 955
JPC Avatar asked Feb 11 '23 13:02


1 Answers

It's a simple config option.

Go to ATOM/Open Your Config and add the following lines;

    'caseSensitive': true

(2 spaces before the first line, 4 before the second, putting it nested inside global)

Restart Atom and the default should be case sensitive.

like image 94
Joachim Isaksson Avatar answered Apr 25 '23 11:04

Joachim Isaksson