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Atom wrong autocomplete

Been using atom a lot but have started getting this annoying autocomplete issue today, in javascript when I do a promise like following, it tries to autocomplete when i just want a new line.

Example: var promise = proCol.orderBy('order').get().then(query => {$sceDelegate})

I don't think I have ever use $sceDelegate before

Seems to be when I type => {} it does to complete it when I always want a new line and not some odd variables it thinks I want. Finding it extremely annoying to when I am coding all day and this happens very often.

If anyone could help me out I would it would be amazing

like image 694
Alex Dunlop Avatar asked Mar 06 '23 20:03

Alex Dunlop

1 Answers

I get the same thing. It was from a recent package that I installed called Angularjs. $sceDelegate is Angular so I disabled the package for now and now it doesn't annoy me either. Check to see if you have an AngularJS package installed.

like image 110
Kevin Hudson Avatar answered Mar 20 '23 08:03

Kevin Hudson