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How to update julia 0.4 without pain?

Recently, I want to update my current 0.4.X version to latest 0.5.0. What's the best practice to accomplish this job? Do I have to first remove my current version before installing the new one? What about these installed packages, do I have to reinstall them one by one? Can my IDE (like Atom) support the new version automatically (or only with slight modification)?

like image 975
zlqs1985 Avatar asked Mar 10 '23 23:03


1 Answers

Take the .julia/v0.4/REQUIRE file and plop it in .julia/v0.5, and then when you Pkg.update() it will add all of those packages. You might need to do using Atom in the REPL in order to have Juno properly re-compile before using it.

like image 120
Chris Rackauckas Avatar answered Mar 20 '23 06:03

Chris Rackauckas