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How to set a global vim 'project root' path





When I'm working in vim, I usually have multiple buffers on screen at once and need to switch between them and open new files a lot. I've installed the Command-T plugin to facilitate fast file switching but I'm having a few issues with it.

Whenever I press Command-T, it only shows files in the same folder (and sub folders) of the file I am currently editing.

I want it to show me all of the files in my project i.e.:

Project Folder:

Current Buffer:

When I press Command+T in the buffer, I want it to display files starting from the project folder.


like image 950
Adam Hutchinson Avatar asked Nov 22 '11 10:11

Adam Hutchinson

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1 Answers

Put the following function in your .vimrc:

function! FindProjectRoot(lookFor)
    let pathMaker='%:p'
        let pathMaker=pathMaker.':h'
        let fileToCheck=expand(pathMaker).'/'.a:lookFor
        if filereadable(fileToCheck)||isdirectory(fileToCheck)
            return expand(pathMaker)
    return 0

That function will search upward from to current file for a parent folder that contains a file or folder with the specified name, and returns that path. That way, you can put a project file in the project's root folder, and send FindProjectRoot('project') as an argument to Command-T

Or even better - call that file project.vim, and use it to load specific settings and keybindings for each project.

EDIT that function will only work on linux. Use this function instead:

function! FindProjectRoot(lookFor)
    let pathMaker='%:p'
        let pathMaker=pathMaker.':h'
        let fileToCheck=expand(pathMaker).'/'.a:lookFor
        if filereadable(fileToCheck)||isdirectory(fileToCheck)
            return expand(pathMaker)
    return 0
like image 133
Idan Arye Avatar answered Sep 25 '22 17:09

Idan Arye