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How to set a forward declaration with generic types under Delphi 2010?

I run into what seems to be a very classical problem: An item and a collection class, both referencing each other, that require a forward declaration. I'm using Delphi 2010 with update 5.

This works well with non generic classes but I can't workaround the E2086 error with generic types:

  // Forward declarations
  TMyElement = class; // E2086: Type 'TMyElement' is not yet completely defined

  TMyCollection<T:TMyElement> = class

  TMyElement = class
    FParent: TMyCollection<TMyElement>;

The same issue happens when switching the class declaration order.

I didn't found any reference to this issue here or in QualityCentral (other issues with E2086 were found, but not related to this use case)

The only workaround I have for now is to declare the parent as TObject, and cast it to the collection generic type when required (not a clean solution...)

How did you workaround this issue, or forward-declare your generic classes?


[Edit Oct 22, 2011] Follow up on QualityCentral: I reported this bug in quality central here

This has been closed recently by EMB with the following resolution status: Resolution: As designed Resolved in build: 16.0.4152

I only have Delphi 2010. Could someone confirm that it has been fixed in Delphe XE2 Update1, or does it mean that it works 'as expected'?

[Edit Oct 23, 2011] Final answer from EMB: EMB confirmed today that using forward declaration of a generic type is not supported by the actual Delphi compiler. You can see their answer in QC, with the link provided above.

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user315561 Avatar asked May 19 '11 08:05


1 Answers

You can work around it by declaring an ancestor class:

  TBaseElement = class

  TMyCollection<T: TBaseElement> = class

  TMyElement = class(TBaseElement)
    FParent: TMyCollection<TBaseElement>;
like image 181
Ondrej Kelle Avatar answered Oct 08 '22 04:10

Ondrej Kelle