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How to select from MySQL where Table name is Variable

I have a case where getting the table name should be from a set variable like:

SET @ID_1 = (SELECT ID FROM `slider` LIMIT 0,1); SET @Cat = (SELECT Category FROM `slider` LIMIT 0,1); select * from @Cat where ID = @ID_1 

but doing that way MySQL outputs an error, so could someone show me how I can achieve that, because these are my baby steps in MySQL.

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Rosmarine Popcorn Avatar asked Jan 10 '12 20:01

Rosmarine Popcorn

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1 Answers

You'd have to do this with a prepared statement. Something like:

SET @s = CONCAT('select * from ', @Cat, ' where ID = ', @ID_1);   PREPARE stmt1 FROM @s;  EXECUTE stmt1;  DEALLOCATE PREPARE stmt1;  
like image 180
Joe Stefanelli Avatar answered Sep 20 '22 15:09

Joe Stefanelli