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Is it a good idea to use MySQL and Neo4j together?

I will make an application with a lot of similar items (millions), and I would like to store them in a MySQL database, because I would like to do a lot of statistics and search on specific values for specific columns.

But at the same time, I will store relations between all the items, that are related in many connected binary-tree-like structures (transitive closure), and relation databases are not good at that kind of structures, so I would like to store all relations in Neo4j which have good performance for this kind of data.

My plan is to have all data except the relations in the MySQL database and all relations with item_id stored in the Neo4j database. When I want to lookup a tree, I first search the Neo4j for all the item_id:s in the tree, then I search the MySQL-database for all the specified items in a query that would look like:

SELECT * FROM items WHERE item_id = 45 OR item_id = 345435 OR item_id = 343 OR item_id = 78 OR item_id = 4522 OR item_id = 676 OR item_id = 443 OR item_id = 4255 OR item_id = 4345

Is this a good idea, or am I very wrong? I haven't used graph-databases before. Are there any better approaches to my problem? How would the MySQL-query perform in this case?

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Jonas Avatar asked Mar 29 '10 23:03


People also ask

Is Neo4j better than MySQL?

For the simple friends of friends query, Neo4j is 60% faster than MySQL. For friends of friends of friends, Neo is 180 times faster. And for the depth four query, Neo4j is 1,135 times faster. And MySQL just chokes on the depth 5 query.

What are the weaknesses of Neo4j?

Neo4j has some upper bound limit for the graph size and can support tens of billions of nodes, properties, and relationships in a single graph. No security is provided at the data level and there is no data encryption. Security auditing is not available in Neo4j.

Is Neo4j better than SQL?

Neo4j ist not generally faster than an SQL database. It is just in many cases faster for graph based problems. For example if you'd like to find the shortest path between two entities Neo4j will most likely outperform MySQL etc.

1 Answers

Few thoughts on this:

I would try modelling your Neo4j domain model to include the attributes of each node in the graph. By separating your data into two different data stores you might limit some operations that you might want to do.

I guess it comes down to what you will be doing with your graph. If, for example, you want to find all the nodes connected to a specific node whose attributes (ie name, age.. whatever) are certain values, would you first have to find the correct node ID in your MySQL database and then go into Neo4j? This just seems slow and overly complicated when you could do all this in Neo4j. So the question is: will you need the attributes of a node when traversing the graph?

Will your data change or is it static? By having two separate data stores it will complicate matters.

Whilst generating statistics using a MySQL database might be easier than doing everything in Neo4j, the code required to traverse a graph to find all the nodes that meet a defined criteria isn't overly difficult. What these stats are should drive your solution.

I can't comment on the performance of the MySQL query to select node ids. I guess that comes down to how many nodes you will need to select and your indexing strategy. I agree about the performance side of things when it comes to traversing a graph though.

This is a good article on just this: MySQL vs. Neo4j on a Large-Scale Graph Traversal and in this case, when they say large, they only mean a million vertices/nodes and four million edges. So it wasn't even a particularly dense graph.

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Binary Nerd Avatar answered Sep 20 '22 13:09

Binary Nerd